Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Coming Home...

First, I want to apologize. I know many of you have followed my blog and you have walked along the journey (to the USA) with me, and then, once I actually do arrive in the USA, I abandon you! That was not my intent, I assure you.

However, SO much has happened since I have written that I decided to break it up into parts. Today, I will talk about the whole moving to the USA part. So, let's begin:

I moved on September 14th. The night before, Jim flew into Detroit and rented a mini-van and drove to come get me. Because of his awesome corporate discount, we managed to cut down a lot on expenses for the move. This meant however, that I had to purge a lot of my stuff. I have moved 3 times in the last 3 years. Luckily, each time I was of the mindset that it was easier to give it away or throw it out if I wasn't going to use it, then lug it to another house. So, all of my worldly possessions fit into a mini-van and the back of my Dodge Caliber. Deciding to do it this way, meant that Jim and I would have to drive seperately. Thankfully, my nephews had an extra set of walkie talkies that we used to help stay in communication. We are also thankful that Jim's parents live in Illinois and that we had a place to rest so we didn't have to make the 12 hour trip in one day.

When we arrived at the border, they let Jim pull over with me. We had a contingency plan if he had to continue on, but we hoped that since I could be up to two hours at the border, that we didn't have to use it. I pulled up to the border and showed him my K-1 visa and he instructed me to go into the building for secondary processing. Thanks to visajourney I was not surprised by any of this. I told them Jim was with me so he said he would pull him in too. We had to sign in and take a number. About 15 minutes later our number was called. The border patrol officer had me give him some info and then we had to sit down again. After a few more times of this, along with a picture and fingerprints (I have been fingerprinted so many times I better never do anything wrong!) we were on our way. The whole process took about 45 minutes or so, but I walked out with an I-94 document in my passport. This meant the clock was ticking and we had 90 days to get married.

       It was a LONG drive and at the end of two long driving days, neither of us felt like unloading the vehicles but we did. (And a lot of those boxes stayed right where we left them for a long time!)

The days leading up to the wedding itself were really hectic. I will tell you all about that next time, but for now why not watch our wedding video.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


There is a song I know called "Time" and one of the lines says, "Time? Where did you go?" That is pretty much what I have been feeling lately.

There are only 21 days left to the wedding! I am now officially done work  as of yesterday and next weekend I am preparing to leave the country. It seems like time just suddenly disppeared! I remember clearly, like it was yesterday, the engagement, then 9 months out, then 6 months out...but how in the world did it get to be only 21 days til the wedding?

The next 21 days will fly by. In the next week I have a full page list of things I need to get done. It is pretty overwhelming packing up all your stuff, and tying up loose ends to leave a whole country. I have also been dealing with mixed emotions lately. I am SOOOOO excited to be starting my life with Jim, but doing that means I have to leave my family, my job, my friends etc. I am happy to do it, because it makes sense for Jim and I, but as someone who once swore she would never move further than an hour away from family, it makes it a bit bittersweet.

I think I am pretty organized with all the stuff for the wedding, but there is still so much to do for the moving, preparing the adjustment of status for after the wedding (which we want to do immediately so I can get 'advance parole' for my nephew's Confirmation, or if I can't be at that, I would like to get back to Canada around the Christmas holidays).

I can't believe that a small little email in February 2010 had the power to change my life like it did. But I am so happy that in 21 short days I will be marrying the best man in the world (I know, I know...I am biased!)

The next time I will probably have time to write one of these I will be Mrs. DeLara! Pretty unbelievable!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Shower me with your love (again)

I was just talking to a co-worker and she said to me "Wow! You must be getting busier! Your blogs are few and far between these days!" To be honest, I have been planning on writing another entry, but she is right, I have been extremely busy.

Hot off the heels of settling into my temporary home (the one bedroom apartment my mom owns), I had my last bridal shower. This shower was thrown by my Matron of Honor (who is also my sister), my mom and my Godmother/Aunt. I was fortunate that Jim's parents and sister were able to come down and make the trek to this shower. They had only ever been to Canada once before, and ironically it was to Windsor. Years and years ago, they went on a family vacation to Detroit and thought if they were that close to Canada they should come over. Little did they know then, that their son would be marrying someone from that very area!

They came for the whole weekend and so we had some good family time with them. I took them to the Southernmost tip of Canada, and since it was Jim's birthday the day before the shower, my sister had everyone over to her house for a birthday party for him. It was a great day.

The next day was the shower! I was so excited. Alot of the ladies that were there are unable to come to the wedding, so it was nice to see them and celebrate with them.

Here is a picture of Jim and I at the shower.

Jim was not allowed at the actual opening of gifts part of the shower but he came later for the food :)

Everyone was so generous and I felt so loved! My sister Maggie, made me play this game where I had to answer questions about Jim and if I got them wrong I had to eat a gumball. When I heard this, I thought "Ohhh, I got this!" But then the game started. They were very obscure questions about him. She had sneakily asked him these questions months earlier. Jim is not a sports fan at all and there were a ton of questions about his favourite sports teams. I had no idea what they were, since we NEVER talk about sports. So I got about 10 questions wrong and by the end I could barely speak enough to say the answers! It was fun though!

Then, they decided to have a slide show of my "growing up years". My 10 year awkward period was on full display! Matthew, my nephew, worked hard at it and it was so cute!

All in all, it was a great shower!!!

Girls of the Bridal Party (minus Victoria-Junior Bridesmaid)
l to r. Jenn (Jim's sister), Maggie (my sister), me, Kortney (my friend)

My mom and sister and I

Jim's mom Jan, my mom and I

There are only 52 days left to the wedding!!!! AHHHHH!!! Here's hoping we get everything done! :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


It has been so long since I have written a blog! So much has happened since I wrote last. In the last two weeks, I have been to Montreal and back, moved from a 2 bedroom apartment that I share with my mom to a one bedroom that she moved into. (I am currently sleeping on a mattress in the living room). But let me break it all down. Let's start with the Montreal trip.

Jim and I had arranged to take flights to get us to Toronto (me coming from Windsor, Jim coming from Minneapolis) and then getting on a connecting flight together to Montreal. After a downpour the morning we left, the skies cleared and both Jim and I arrived safely in Toronto. Once we got there, we were just about to board our plane to Montreal when they announced that there was a mechanical problem and the plane was not usable. They explained that another plane was available but we would be delayed. This gave Jim and I more time to catch up and relax before our flight, but it also meant we wouldn't be getting to Montreal until very late.

Once we arrived in Montreal, we hopped in a cab and made it to our hotel in no time. Montreal is predominantly a French speaking city and even though French is one of Canada's official languages and I took it in school as a child, I was worried my VERY rusty French would be a problem. Luckily, because Montreal is also such a tourist area, we had no problem at all. It was really cool though, to still be in Canada and have people all around me speaking a language I barely understand.

Anyway, we awoke bright and early the next day to get the most out of our only full day in Montreal. We headed to Notre Dame Basilica in the heart of 'old Montreal'. This church was the most beautiful church I have ever seen. The artwork and the sculptures were breathtaking. After we spent some time visiting and praying in the church, we headed to the rest of Old Montreal. As we walked on the cobblestone streets, it was extremely hard for me to feel like I was still in North America. Montreal has a very European feel to it. It was very beautiful. After a day of walking, touring and eating poutine (fries covered in gravy and cheese curds-invented in Montreal) we headed back to the hotel via the subway system for a nap. We managed to get back just in time because it started to rain. We decided, because of the weather to just eat at the restaurant at the hotel. We had a nice leisurely dinner and then decided to just call it a night since we had to be up bright and early for our interview in the morning.

The interview was scheduled for 8 a.m., but everything I have read said to be there as early as possible. I decided we needed to get there for 6:45a.m. We did manage to arrive by that time, and to our surprise there were two people already there. After waiting for 45 minutes (and Jim complaining he didn't get to eat breakfast!) we were let in the building. As they let us in we had to go through security and we then had to wait by and elevator to go up to the 19th floor. They packed the elevator full of people, but we still managed to be the third people out of the elevator. We were given a number and were told to go and wait. We got C3, and we were actually called to our window first. At the first window we had to give them a bunch of forms that we brought along. (My passport, medical, my long form birth certificate, my police clearance, the forms Jim filled out proving he could support me etc.) After we were done at that window we had to sit back down for our actual interview. We waited about 30 minutes and were called to another window, but more secluded. We were sworn in and asked the following questions:
1. (to Jim) I assume you are the petitioner? What do you do for a living?
2. Where do you live?
3. (to me) What do you do for a living?
4. Where do you live?
5. How did you meet? (we told them online) What website?
6. When did you meet online? When did you meet in person and where?
7. (to me) Have you ever been to Minnesota?
8. Have you ever had any trouble crossing the border?
9. Ever any trouble with the law?

And that was pretty  much it. The interviewer typed a bunch of things into his computer and told us we were approved and gave me a "Welcome to the USA" letter. We were so excited! We were walking out of the consulate  by 9:30. We decided to celebrate by getting some food :) We had to fly home at 5 p.m. that day, so we only really had a chance to eat and explore a bit more. We flew back to Toronto and parted ways. We will be SOOO happy when we don't have to say goodbye to each other anymore!

Two days after returning home, my mom and I moved out of our apartment. We managed to move on the hottest day of the year. I swear it was 120 degrees outside. We managed to get in to her new place and try to get settled, but it took over a week to get phone, internet and cable. So talking to Jim this past week has been a challenge. But yesterday, on my birthday I finally got the ability to use the internet at home!

Today, I received my passport back with my visa printed on it! It is official! I am good to move to the USA and get married! All of the months of uncertainty are over and now I can just focus on marrying the most amazing man ever!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Le coeur de Montreal....

Today is my day off from work. Good thing, because today is when I have to do the bulk of my packing. Nope, not my packing to go to Montreal for my interview, but to move forever. You see, my mom is moving from our two bedroom apartment to a cute little one bedroom apartment. She got the apartment July 1st, and we have this one until July 31st, so I had plenty of time to slowly get rid of my belongings.

Then, we started to look at all of our weekends coming up. We have something going on every single weekend except this coming one. So, we decided to get the help we needed to move, we were moving on the 7th. The problem is, we decided this just last weekend. I leave tomorrow for Montreal until Thursday. So, although I have done little bits of packing the bulk of it has to be done today. It will be some tight quarters for a couple months in the one bedroom apartment but that is ok.

It is really hard to part with some of my stuff, but when you are moving 12 hours away, you can't bring every pair of jeans that don't quite fit anymore but you hope against hope they will one day. Lots of my clothes will be donated to those less fortunate so I feel good that someone will be wearing them!

I have been so busy with this move, I haven't really had time to be nervous or stress over Montreal. This is probably a blessing in disguise. Jim is coming with me, so we will be able to have one full day of sightseeing. Doesn't sound like a lot, but since neither of us have been to Montreal before, it is better than not seeing any of it at all. My interview on Thursday is at 8 a.m. I belong to a website called visa journey and it is basically a message board type place and people who are going through the same thing can share tips and information. Everyone on that site says you need to get there to wait in line by 6:45 a.m. We got a hotel that is a short walk to the consulate, so we will be getting up bright and early on Thursday for sure. They schedule a lot of people in the same time period so if you don't arrive early you could be waiting a very long time. Pray for us, that everything goes smoothly and we get approved.

I remember when we first started this process after getting engaged going to Montreal seemed SO far off in the distance, and now it is about to be here! I can't believe it! Time has flown!!! With only 89 days left to the wedding it is about to fly even faster!

Oh, and by the way, the title of this blog means "The heart of Montreal". :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I have been so busy lately, I haven't even had time to update my blog! You know I must be busy if I don't have time for this! Among other things, I have been hard at work trying to get all my thank you notes done for my last bridal shower.

In the past few weeks, I can feel the wedding getting closer. So many things that were so far off in the future only a little while ago, have come to pass already. I am going to blink and our wedding day will be here.

One of the things that seemed so far away, was Jim's brother's wedding. Well, it has already taken place! Justin and Hedda got married on June 16th in Union Springs, NY. I remember when they first told us about the date of their wedding. I was unsure if I was going to be able to be there because of all the visa proceedings. As luck would have it, we were able to purposely delay our interview in Montreal, so I could be sure I was able to attend their wedding.

What a great wedding weekend they had! I had never been to New York state before and the area we were in was absolutely beautiful. They got married in a little church right on one of the Finger Lakes and they had their outdoor reception on the lawn of their uncles property right on the lake. It was a beautiful day and Hedda looked fabulous! (Justin looked good too, but it really is all about how the bride looks on a wedding day, right?) What I loved about their wedding was that it totally was a reflection of who they are. They are both very artistic and creative and it showed in their wedding.

People have asked me if it is weird to have our weddings so close together, but it is really not. For one, our weddings will be nothing alike, except for the fact that they will both happen in a Catholic Church. But that is where the similarity ends. Like Justin and Hedda, I think our wedding will be a good reflection of who Jim and I are as people and as a couple. You will have to wait to hear about all the details though. :)

These past weeks, I have also been busy addressing wedding invitations. With all the trouble with the medical, I am not allowing myself to mail them out until I hear the words "You are approved" in Montreal, but they are all set and ready to go! I remember thinking months ago what it would feel like to be addressing the invitations. I thought for sure it would be a wonderful experience.Well, frankly, it took a long time and my back hurt from sitting so long on a hard chair! I am excited though, to find out who will be able to come and join us on our special day.

Also, I currently live with my mom and with my impending move, she was looking to get a one bedroom apartment for herself. Well, the perfect apartment came up and she is moving in sooner than expected. (I will bunk on her sofabed for a couple months). But because it is sooner than expected, I have 2 weeks to pack all my stuff! In the midst of those two weeks, I have to go to Montreal for 3 days to get my visa! So, all of my spare time in the next little while will be filled with boxes, garbage bags, and goodwill donations. I will be happy when this is over for sure! I am planning on taking only what I absolutely need with me to Minnesota so lots of downsizing will be taking place. I tend to be one who holds onto things for their sentimental value, but I won't be able to do that now.

These next few weeks will surely fly by as I try to get everything done! I hope I don't stress too much!

Friday, June 8, 2012

My Heart is Overwhelmed...

On Wednesday night, my parish ladies association (Catholic Women's League) held a bridal shower for me. When I was first told of this idea, I was amazed that they would want to do this for me (and Jim). The committee consisted of the two secretaries at the church who are members of the league, and another member of the CWL. Because I work with two of them on a daily basis, as the event drew near, my office door got closed by them more and more and there were more and more secrets floating around.

Now, I am the curious type. If there is something to be known, I want to know it. So all of this secrecy was driving me crazy! Part of me was a little nervous about the surprises that were in store.

So, as Wednesday night rolled around I was getting really excited to see what would come about at this shower. Over 60 ladies had RSVP'd that they were coming. I couldn't believe it! The evening began with mass, and then proceeded onto a potluck dinner. I love potluck dinners! There is always the BEST food at them. This one was no exception. There was so much food! And the desserts were amazing as well!

After that the gift opening began. I opened a few of the bigger gifts first. The whole CWL chipped in and got me my pots and pans! The office staff got us luggage! I was so overwhelmed. Then, I looked at the gift table and there were two whole tables packed with gifts. All of the ladies got us little kitchen gadgets, things everyone needs. I got everything from dish towels, to a kitchen clock, to a knives, to funnels and measuring cups. The ladies were also asked to bring their favorite recipes. So, now I have no excuse for not cooking! There are SO many good recipes! I can't wait to try them all.

The highlight of the night was two men from the parish who came dressed in Adam and Eve aprons (well they other things on too!). I never laughed so hard in my life and I think all of the ladies enjoyed the entertainment too!

I was overcome with emotion at the end of the night. I couldn't believe that all these ladies came out to honor me and they were all so generous! They welcomed me with open arms almost 5 years ago, and they continue to shower me with love and good wishes. I am going to miss all of them so much! What a wonderful cluster of parishes I work in!